Abba Kyari, the embattled former head of police Intelligence Response Team and his club owner friend, Obinna Iyiegbu better known as Obi Cubana, are...
As Muslims faithful celebrate the auspicious occasion of Maulud Nabiyy 2024, commemorating the birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW), Alhaji Alhassan Yahaya, National...
The Department of State Services (DSS) has released labour leader Joe Ajaero, Channels Television has learnt.
Ajaero, who confirmed his release to our correspondent, said...
By Prince Abdulkadir Aliyu Shehu
As we reflect on the remarkable journey of our esteemed boss, Malam Abdulaziz Abdulaziz, we are filled with hope and...
The Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC) has strongly condemned the recent extravagant spending by the leadership of the Central Bank of Nigeria...